Know the Facts:
Midtown is among the safest places in Atlanta
2024: Second Consecutive Year
of Record-Low Crime Achieved in the Midtown Improvement District
After achieving all-time lows for overall crime in 2023, year-over-year crime in the district fell another -5% in 2024. Crime in Midtown remains at its lowest levels ever, based on nearly 30 years of data.

Midtown Alliance analyzes data and reports from the Atlanta Police Department (APD) to benchmark crime in the Midtown Improvement District.
Read our latest summary here:
City of Atlanta:
130 square miles
More than 500K people live within City limits.
Atlanta Police Department Zone 5
Patrolling Area:
14 square miles
Zone 5 includes Midtown Atlanta.
Midtown Improvement District:
1.2 square miles
More than 115K people spend time here each day, including residents, workers, students and visitors.
The U.S. Justice Dept. collects data about crime from the information submitted by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The data cited here is publicly available on APD's website.
Midtown Alliance works with APD personnel to compile, analyze and report all crime that occurs inside the Midtown Improvement District.
Among the data we track:
● Was the incident a violent crime or a property crime?
● Did the crime occur outdoors in the public right of way, or indoors in a private space?
● For person-on-person crimes, did the parties involved know each other?
● What time did the crime occur?
● Did the incident result in someone being arrested?
Since 1998: Violent crime is down -78%
This has happened even as the number of people who spend time here each day has risen exponentially.
The residential population in Midtown has increased 5X since the late 1990s, along with a similar increase in workers, students and visitors.
More people and eyes on the street contribute to a safer place.
Since 1998: Property crime is down -68%
The most common type of crime in Midtown is non-violent property crime.
Car break-ins and auto thefts constitute the majority of property crimes. Overall, 58% of crimes in Midtown involve autos. In most cases, these are crimes of opportunity, and they are preventable.
As new development infrastructure has created the conditions for more population growth in Midtown, the number of places to park a vehicle has increased as well.
Overall, there are 70K parking spaces in the district, including surface lots, parking decks and on-street parking spaces.
For 30+ years, crime in the City of Atlanta has also continued to decline overall.
Violent Crime (1990-2023):
Down -82%
Property Crime (1990-2023):
Down -67%
Over the last 30+ years, crime has decreased in Atlanta. And just like in Midtown, this trend has occurred even while the city’s residential population has increased dramatically, along with the number of jobs and visitors.
2024: Second Consecutive Record-Low Year for Crime in Midtown
Year-over-year violent crimes and property crimes declined even further from the previous record lows achieved in 2023.
Year-End 2024 Observations:
Overall crime for the year in the MID was down -5%. This follows a previous record low in 2023.
93% of crime in the district was non-violent property crime. The MID averaged 15 Part I crimes per week: 10 out of 15 crimes were car break-ins, auto theft or petty theft.
Violent crime was even with 2023 totals. There were only 14 incidents of "stranger-on-stranger" crime in a geographic area that hosts an average of 115K people daily.
Midtown Improvement District (MID): Part I Crime Summary |
2023 Totals |
2024 Totals |
% Change |
Homicide |
4 |
2 |
-50% |
Rape/Sexual Assault |
4 |
1 |
-75% |
Robbery - Commercial |
1 |
1 |
0% |
Robbery - Pedestrian |
8 |
14 |
+75% |
Robbery - Residential |
2 |
0 |
-200% |
Aggravated Assault |
36 |
37 |
+3% |
55 |
55 |
0% |
Burglary - Commercial |
16 |
21 |
+31% |
Burglary - Residential |
18 |
18 |
0% |
Theft from Vehicle |
375 |
343 |
-9% |
Larceny - Non-Vehicle |
219 |
239 |
+9% |
Auto Theft |
152 |
114 |
-25% |
780 |
735 |
-6% |
% of Overall Crime |
93% |
93% |
835 |
790 |
-5% |
Read our latest
Midtown Public Safety Report.
Midtown Alliance publishes a quarterly report with facts and trend data about crime, plus insight into what our Midtown Blue supplemental public safety program is working on now to maintain a safe and welcoming place.
Sign up to receive these reports in your inbox.
Have ideas or want to assist us in ensuring that this information gets communicated within your residential community, office or building?
Let us know by contacting us at

Midtown Alliance’s supplemental public safety program has operated on the ground every day for more than 20 years. In that time, the district has registered consistent reductions in incidents of crime, making this area among the safest communities in Atlanta.
The Midtown Blue program is recognized as the most robust of its kind in the Southeast, and a national model for success.
This program is built on partnerships and coordination between our Midtown Blue public safety team, the Atlanta Police Department (APD), county and state law enforcement agency partners, private security, property managers, and Midtown businesses and residents.
Backed by sound strategy, a great team, cutting-edge technology and solid communication, we're working to keep this positive momentum going for a safe and welcoming district.
While the program is funded by commercial property owners and operates in the public right-of-way, it benefits everyone who spends time in Midtown - from businesses to residents, students and visitors.
35+ full-time and part-time personnel combined work on supplemental public safety in the district, including off-duty APD officers, retired APD officers, and Midtown Blue’s civilian team of Public Safety Officers.
Our team:
● Conducts 600+ hours of patrols each week in the public right-of-way, in addition to on-duty APD patrols
● Interacts daily with residents, workers, students, and visitors
● Operates a 24-hour dispatch and operations center with APD Zone 5
● Monitors a network of 150 hi-def video cameras + license plate readers covering Midtown’s streets, sidewalks, and public spaces
● Provides immediate response to emergencies in and near the district
● Offers security assessments and recommendations to properties
● Works with people experiencing homelessness to connect them with social services
Our Focus:
Sidewalks, Streets and Other Public Spaces
Our team concentrates on ensuring safety in the public right-of-way and public spaces, primarily within the Midtown Improvement District. We also work with private properties to ensure maximum coordination of resources and strategies.
Keeping Midtown safe and welcoming takes all of us.
Public safety is a shared responsibility. Help the Midtown Blue team do the best job they can by doing the best job you can.
Here are things to consider when you're spending time in the district:
Go with your instincts.
If you observe a situation or a person’s behavior that looks out of place or potentially dangerous to themselves or others, report it.
Emergency? Crime in progress? Potential for violence?
Call 911 first. Then call Midtown Blue at 404-817-0500 and we will assist APD with a response.
Quality of life issue in the public right-of-way?
Call Midtown Blue first at 404-817-0500. Then consider calling 911 for APD response as needed.
More Resources
Share our program info and public safety reports with your neighbors.
Read and share our year-end 2024 Midtown Public Safety Report.
Help prevent theft from auto, Midtown’s most prevalent type of crime.
Download, print and share this flyer featuring practical tips and suggestions for securing your valuables when you park your vehicle.
Learn about our ongoing work to help people experiencing homelessness.
Read stories from our ‘Untangling Homelessness’ series for context about Atlanta’s continuum of care, the real challenges and how we’re helping those in need.
Connect your property’s video camera feed to APD’s citywide network.
Find out how you can opt-in to give APD access to view your video camera. More than 19,000 properties citywide are now part of this technology initiative to deter crime.